Friday, April 16, 2010

Teaching Base Running

Base running is one of the most overlooked aspects of the game of baseball, in my opinion. As a coach, I teach all aspects of base running: taking leads, stealing bases, rounding the bag, tagging up, picking up the third base coach, and reading the ball off the bat.

Here is Florida Marlins outfielder Cameron Maybin, a prolific base runner.

One of the first things we address as a team each spring is how to take a proper lead from first base. It is simple and becomes automatic with practice. Starting with your left foot on the edge of the bag, lead with your right foot 3 and 1/2 steps. Be sure to bend your knees to about a 110-120 degree angle. Place the majority of weight on the balls of your feet.

Now you are in good starting position to steal second base or run when the ball is hit.

[Numbers and Operations]

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